What do you “see” in your mind when you’re engrossed in a story? It’s amazing how black marks on paper can transport you to another world. I love reading and getting immersed in a story, and I think I build a hazy picture in my head of what the people and places look like, but…
facial expression
Sign language: should hearing children learn BSL?
Would you like to learn sign language? If there’s no opportunity at school or in the family, most people don’t get an opportunity to learn it. The reason to learn to sign is of course to communicate with D/deaf people. But as a bonus, signing can also help hearing people to express themselves more…
Sign Language and how to learn it
On my travels on trains and on station platforms I sometimes see deaf people signing to each other. I’ve been a teacher of deaf children and used to sign all day every day, so although I’m a bit rusty I try to understand what the people are saying to each other. I find it fascinating…